A garden, a good golf course lawn or any other green area, is not free of weeds. Special care must be taken so that these invasive plants do not spoil all the work that we have carried out with great care. It is always better to be safe than sorry, but if it is too late and you have started to witness some weeds on your green lawn, don't worry we have the best tool for you: Electric Weeder.
The Matabi Electric Weed Burner
The Electric Weeder is an electric burner that eliminates weeds without the need for chemicals or pesticides and without generating gas or flame.
It has a diffuser cone that allows to focus the treatment without damaging the environment, increasing its precision and efficiency. It reaches a maximum temperature of up to 650 degrees.
It is an ergonomic and ambidextrous tool, incorporating a telescopic lance and a 2 meter cable. It is easy to use and safe, as it automatically turns off when you release the button.
Are you able to identify bad herbs?
A weed can simply be a plant that grows where you don't want it to, but there are in particular a few species that you cannot trust and you should keep an eye on them as some are very aggressive and can suffocate those plants in your home. garden that you have worked to cultivate.
Today in the blog we are going to teach you to identify the three most frequent weeds in gardens and how to get rid of them with the Matabi Weeder.
1) Dandelion
Don't be fooled by its pleasant summer color. We’re sure you played a lot with this plant as a child, blowing its dry leaves to see little paratroopers fly. The reality is that this plant is necessary on the planet and has many healing properties, but believe me, you don't want it in your garden.
Below the surface, the dandelion spreads its roots reaching a depth of 30 cm. This can seriously disrupt the rest of the crops that you have grown in your garden. That is why at Matabi we recommend a focused elimination through the Weeder, since thanks to the 650 degrees it reaches you will be able to eliminate the entire root of this plant and thus prevent its spread throughout your garden.
2) Purslane
It is a very common weed in gardens and especially in orchards. This plant with fleshy leaves mainly affects cereal crops and in a short time reaches 30 cm in length. A single Purslane can produce up to 240,000 seeds so as soon as you identify one in your garden or orchard, take the Weeder and eliminate it from the root so that it does not proliferate in that garden that you have created with so much care.
3) Nettles
Lately, much has been said about the beneficial properties of nettles. Nettles in salad, nettle infusion or nettle omelette are some of the recipes that have been posted a lot on social networks by many foodies.
But we must not forget that the presence of nettles in the garden is not beneficial for the ecosystem that you have created. It is an invasive plant and also dangerous for your guests, especially for the little ones. For some inexplicable cosmic reason, children have a kind of magnet to fall into these nests.
If it has ever happened to you as a child, you will surely remember perfectly the itch produced by the sting of nettle. The acid they contain is similar to that found in the sting of fire ants or bees.
Get the Matabi Electric Weeder on your shoulder and get rid of them to be able to enjoy your garden with absolute peace of mind.
In May we will tell you more features of the Matabi Electric Weeder. Did you know that it is also valid to light barbecues?
Photo source: mvppdiatric
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