In Matabi we believe in nature. We must take advantage of everything that the land gives us, then give it back and thus take care of each other. There’s only one planet earth in our solar system as far as we know.
If you have just initiated in the gardening world, whether if you have a small allotment garden or you grow your veggies in pots, this is the post you need to read.
The first thing you should do before spraying any fertilizer from the following list is a deep cleaning of the soil your weeds are placed in and also aerate it well. This way the nutrients that you’ll introduce will make your soil a lot more fertile and it will proliferate successfully.
Here’s three natural fertilizers you must know when initiating in gardening:
1) Coffee
Did you know that coffee beans are an excellent source of nitrogen for the soil? They also have antioxidant properties and the best way to apply this natural fertilizer in your soil is by dusting it around your crops. In Matabi we have great dusters you could use: Polmax, Polminor and Bazoka.
2) Worm Compost Tea
Some say that it is the best compost for the garden. If you are a bit fussy about bugs, you may feel a little nauseous about it, but hey! Give it a chance, once you start you’ll completely forget about the fussy part. After all, earthworms are nothing more than little sticky creatures that have lived on the earth for millions of years, there is no reason to fear them!
There is many youtube tutorials on how to make a great worm compost tea, here’s one from Healthy Houseplants.
3) Lavender
If your planning to grow a garden, you need to know that Lavender is a MUST. You will enjoy its wonderful aroma and your crops will be happy to have them nearby, as they attract pollinators such as butterflies, bees, ladybugs and hummingbirds, which will collaborate in increasing the production of your garden with the pollination of a greater number of flowers.
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